Meet the client:
For over 40 years, HVA has been building the highest quality vacuum valves in the industry. The company offers its products to the world’s leading vacuum technology innovators. Headquartered in Reno, Nevada, the company has a 60,000 square feet manufacturing facility with state-of-the-art fabrication tooling.

The company used outdated methods such as manual forms and timecard management practices to keep track of employee hours. HVA was expanding, and their manufacturing processes and products were being produced for very specialized high-tech industries and hence they needed a sophisticated system that could scale with the changing times. The client wanted to partner with a mobile app development company that can help them design a well-defined system that can track employee time down to the minute for accurate labor cost calculation. They also wanted to understand how labor costs and employee hours stack up against revenue numbers. Tracking employee hours for accurate payroll numbers was critical to improving the bottom line of the company.

HVA was considering commercial off-the-shelf solutions to help them track employee hours accurately. But the cookie-cutter approach proved to be expensive, rigid, challenging to modify, and made customization tricky. Custom Software Lab proposed a customized, cloud-based enterprise software solution to address their scalability, user-friendliness, and affordability needs. Here are some of the features that we delivered:

  • Employees punch in and out with allocated PIN  using the smart touchscreen
  • Offers several user types with different permission to structure team specifically to needs
  • Tracks working time of employee arrival, breaks, and departure – fast and accurately  
  • Create customizable shift and lunch options for employees
  • Insightful reports to analyze resource distribution, billable hours, time management, and more
  • APIs were built to interface jobs, products, labor, and inventory available for sale and shipments 
  • Offer employee time summary reports in real-time

Our employee time tracking software does all the heavy lifting for HVA, as all the employee information lives in a secure, cloud database while offering powerful reporting tools at fingertips. As a result of our dedicated efforts, HVA was able to witness the following results:

  • The new system lets for smarter project organization, proof of work, and budgeting
  • Integrating data via APIs to Epicor ERP system helps increase data accuracy, visibility, costing, and inventory availability with direct bottom-line sales and profitability
  • With 100% accurate time records, the management was able to witness significant reductions in direct and indirect labor costs
  • Considerably reduced workload and expense of managing and processing employee payroll

 Are you looking for a mobile app development company? We offer custom Android app development services and are dedicated to developing technologically advanced systems for your business. Contact us today!

HVA Custom Time Clock System

HVA Mobile Application HVA - mobile app development

HVA - Custom Android App Development