Custom Software Lab developed and released an new version of the Trax Record Keeping Software that includes a SAAS model that allows other EPA refrigerant companies to sign up and use this innovative software. Created for RMS of Georgia this custom refrigerant record keeping software allows for management and tracking through the core dashboard, data entry, reports, documents and master admin consoles.

You can visit the application at


Custom Software Lab is not a niche custom software development firm that focuses on a particular market. Our focus is building custom software applications that work for our customers, no matter what business industry they are located in. With over 10 years in the marketplace, we have had experience in almost all industries. Our clients range from new businesses trying to get a foot hold in their industry to large established corporations looking to improve their technical roadmap. We take problems and develop custom solutions for companies across all types of Industries.

For more information, please contact us at 704-992-2027.